Sunday, September 24, 2017

다음 발송자가 Wix 웹사이트를 통해 보낸 메시지가 도착했습니다 -

  • 새 메시지가 도착했습니다:
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    • Subject help at work
    • Message Hi, I used to attend AOG in the USA, but now I teach English at an after-school institute in S. Korea. Some of our teachers left, and new teachers were hired to replace them, due to this process and perhaps because of an attack from the devil we lost quite a few students over the past month. Our workplace employs Christians (including me) and others who may know Jesus someday. Please pray God supplies us with new students (especially those who are well-behaved). Thanks.
  • 전송일: 25 September, 2017
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