Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fwd: Prayer Request for Nana

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Wes McMenamy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Victoria- Katie Thompson <>
Date: December 1, 2016 at 11:35:00 AM CST
To: Wes McMenamy <>
Subject: Re: Prayer Request for Nana

Yesterday the Lord opened my Nana's eyes to the truth. She is in the transition of stepping down as one of the main people to the occult. There are also 2 other people getting out.  Please pray that the Lord will open up a door that is of Jesus and nothing of the occult. If my Nana is not around people or extremely busy she will get very depressed. Thank you for praying for my Nana to get out of the occult. Our prayers worked! Praise God!

P.S. Please also continue to pray for more people to get out of the occult and for their eyes to be open to the occult.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Victoria- Katie Thompson <> wrote:
Please pray for my Nana to get set free from an occult leader and for the occult leader to stop deceiving many Christians. He (the occult leader) is born again but uses Shamanism and witchcraft to gain power over people. Also, please pray for spiritual protection for all involved. Thank you.

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