Monday, April 24, 2017

New message via your website, from

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  • Message Details:
    • Name d j
    • Subject friend
    • Message My friend is paranoid and delusional. She is a trauma survivor and may be schizophrenic. She has been meddling with new age things, buddhism, the secret, and angel cards. She talks about magic and hexes. Please pray.
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  • Sent on: 24 April, 2017
  • Thank you!

Friday, April 14, 2017

New message via your website, from

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  • Message Details:
    • Name Christopher Allen Brown
    • Subject need healing
    • Message Hello would your church please pray for me because I have a thyroid tumor and need to be healed by our savior Jesus Christ. Christopher Allen Brown November 26th 1975
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  • Sent on: 14 April, 2017
  • Thank you!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

New message via your website, from

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    • Name Kat Lowry
    • Subject Children
    • Message Please pray for my son, Robert. He fell on Sunday and fractured his skull; a bone in his right ear was also broken, and the eardrum damaged. Doctors have indicated it is probable that the hearing in his right ear is gone; his left ear is also "ringing" at times. He cannot work for at least six weeks, per doctor's orders, and consequently was removed from the work schedule. He is very depressed and angry - the ability to hear well is critical to a start-up business he has been working toward. Please stand with me in asking God for complete and total healing - this boy was raised knowing God, and he has drifted away for a time. I am asking God to heal in a way that will turn my boy's heart back to God, totally and completely. Thank you, prayer warriors!
    • Email
  • Sent on: 11 April, 2017
  • Thank you!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

New message via your website, from

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    • Name Jess
    • Subject Prayer request
    • Message I am having a lot of issues right now. Spiritually emotionally and really feel like the enemy has been attacking my life. And emotions. I am having health problems. Specifically breathing problems and heart problems . I would like prayer for complete healing I was a smoker for over 6 years. I am only 26. I also have a friend named vinny and would like you to pray for his salvation. He's someone I am interested in. And I also would like prayer God would work in my heart and life.
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  • Sent on: 9 April, 2017
  • Thank you!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

New message via your website, from

  • You have a new message:
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  • Message Details:
    • Name several people to pray for
    • Subject very serious requests for prayer
    • Message Will you please pray for all of us? There are so many names that I have listed them at the end of this request. I am totally sincere and very serious. Please, will you just pray in general that God will help all of us in all of these areas, NOW and lifelong: (1) spiritually (2) relationships (3) favor with God and people (4) protection and keeping in all possible ways (5) provisions (6) for ONLY God's influences in our lives, NONE else ever (7) wisdom with NO foolishness at all (8) time management, self control, discipline, focus (9) faith, hope, pure love (10) peace and rest with NOTHING that takes our peace (11) work, job, calling, purposes of God for our lives to be established (12) thoughts taken captive to the obedience of Christ/ the mind of Christ at all times (13) breakthroughs and miracles in many areas (14) to step out and succeed in everything possible in Jesus, and to fail at NOTHING, EVER, EVER (15) for a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit to rest within and upon us, NOW and lifelong (16) for God to anoint us with the Holy Spirit so strongly and work so powerfully by the Holy Spirit in us, that whether we use words or not, that God will MOVE upon people to come to KNOW Jesus in a saving way (not just believe in Him), and to surrender ALL permanently to Jesus and receive the fullness of all that is offered to them in the Person and POWER of the Holy Spirit (17) to obey Scripture (I Cor 14:1), pray God will help the gifts of the Spirit to be very active in our lives, especially prophecy, but not only prophecy (18) that God will also help us in every other area of our lives too, and connect us to HIS helpers who DO truly help us in all things, who never give up on us, ever * * Please pray in general that God will do all the above things in: Jim and Yung, Noreen, 2 Kathleen's, Izzy, Cheryl, 3 Vicky's, 2 Nicky's, Stella, Naomi, Chris, Phu, Joyce, Alana, Jerry, Olivia, Hosh and his wife, Jen, Craig, Joan, Sheila, Erin, Heather, Lutzi, Yuli, Nat, William, Dina, Hector, Cesar, Julia, Carli, Rafa, 2 Gabriella's, 2 Isabella's, 3 Robert's, 4 Sarah's, 4 Sarah's, 2 Steve's, 2 Josh's, 3 Scott's, 2 Linda's, 6 Mike's, 4 Bill's, 2 Frank's, 4 Dave's, 3 Curt's, 3 Tom's, 2 Michelle's, 2 Jon's, 4 Rebecca's, 4 John's, 3 Carl's, 2 Harold's, 2 George's, 4 Chuck's, 2 Don's, 2 Andre's, Latoya, Yoko, Lin, Ali, Sue, Crystal, Taia and all those we love too, PLEASE… ***** Will you please also pray for these other very serious prayer requests: (a) that God will STOP and PREVENT all the violent of the world, save their souls (b) for Divine intervention in the people and elections of Argentina and Europe (c) for TRUE repentance, PENTECOSTAL Awakening and PENTECOSTAL Revival to come to USA, Argentina, Peru, UK, Spain, Costa Rica, Columbia, Uruguay, Europe, Middle East and the world (d) for USA, Argentine and global church and churches to become houses of prayer, not only houses of preaching and song (e) for the Argentine and global church to NOT be satisfied to see a revival ONLY in Buenos Aires, but that God will send the move of the Holy Spirit in all corners and pockets of Argentina…and the world (f) for God to save the souls of global media, and cause the global media to fail and not be believed in all lies, misleadings, deceiving and defaming and dishonor of Jesus, EVERY time they do so (g) for God to break the strongholds and hindrances that limit and resist a REAL outpouring and visitation of the Holy Spirit in Argentina, Peru, UK and in the Mid Atlantic, Northeast, Western and all other states of USA, even if the opposition is coming from religious practices that come from the church, but not birthed from the Holy Spirit or found in the will of God- even if it's "good" things, but not a move of the Holy Spirit (h) for a widow who can't afford land she owns, that God will help her sell it quickly for a very good price or help her some other way financially (i) for some women separated from a man, that God will end all of their separations and restore them all to Jesus, each other and God's plans for each other mutually (j) for all the people I know of who are bound by witchcraft, new age, etc… for God to set every single one free, save each soul and fill abundantly with Holy Spirit (k) for all I care for with addictions and life controlling struggles, that God will intervene right now, that He will save them and FULLY deliver them from these things and the root causes, and fill them with the Holy Spirit, never to fall again, and help them not to die or suffer some other way. ***** I do not use email, I did not send a valid email address, but PLEASE still pray for all of us and all of these requests, PLEASE?? Also, there is a world changing site on prayer that I think you will love, if you do, please share it with all you know. It's found at: (then skip a space and write the word): prayer ….Again, type: prayer (if you don't skip a space after typing, and then type the word PRAYER, it will take you to a different place on the peacekey site, and I don't even know if the peacekey site is any good at all outside of the prayer page, but this page on prayer is world changing to anyone who reads it and does what they did, and I think you will agree. God bless). THANK YOU.
    • Email
  • Sent on: 1 April, 2017
  • Thank you!