Saturday, July 30, 2016

New message via your website, from

  • You have a new message:
  • Via:
  • Message Details:
    • Name Wes
    • Subject Fire in Denison today
    • Message I just received this text from our scout leader, please pray for these people. "Troop 611 Life Scout & Eagle Candidate Lane Mason's house burned today in Denison and was a total loss. We will be accepting donations as soon as we figure out what is up with the insurance company on Monday. They lost everything. The Red Cross has put them up at a motel until things can be ironed out. I will get back with you all on what we can do for them. Right now Prayers and thank God all of them got out unharmed including the animals. "
    • Email
  • Sent on: 30 July, 2016
  • Thank you!

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